WEb-Based Academic Support For Winthrop Psychology Majors

Advising, Course Selection, Registration
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 101
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 301/302
Internships and Service Learning
Writing Papers for Psychology Classes
Science and Pseudoscience In Psychology
Where to Find Credible Information on the Web
Oral Presentations in Psychology Classes
Resources For Undergraduate Research
Resources for Personal Productivity, Wellness, and Effectiveness
Employment Information for Psychology Majors
Professional Careers in Psychology
Marketing Yourself to Employers
Success in Psychology Courses
• Study Tips for College Students, Dr. Tracy Griggs, Winthrop University
• The Psychology Department encourages, but doesn't require, students' completion of both PSYC 301 and 302 prior to taking other psychology courses. However, some students may need to enroll in an upper level course prior to completing one or the other. Instructors may assume, however, that you have research and writing competencies from those courses. Here are some resources may be helpful:
• Library Research in Psychology, American Psychological Association
• Web Interface for Statistics Education (WISE). A special feature is the sequence of interactive tutorials on key statistical concepts (sampling distributions, the central limit theorem, hypothesis testing, and statistical power). The tutorials use dynamic applets that allow the user to explore relationships on their own. Guided exercises are designed to help the learner to take full advantage of the applets to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and logic that underlie much of inferential statistics.
• Hypertext Tutorial on Social Science Experimental and Correlational Study Design Issues by Don R. Osborn
• Internal Validity Tutorial by Dr. David Polson, University of Victoria
• Online tutorial, Designing Surveys and Questionnaires:
• Finding Psychological Measures and Manipulations
• Survey Monkey, an online site for survey creation
• Index to psychologically related online journals