WEb-Based Academic Support For Winthrop Psychology Majors

Advising, Course Selection, Registration
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 101
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 301/302
Internships and Service Learning
Writing Papers for Psychology Classes
Science and Pseudoscience In Psychology
Where to Find Credible Information on the Web
Oral Presentations in Psychology Classes
Resources For Undergraduate Research
Resources for Personal Productivity, Wellness, and Effectiveness
Employment Information for Psychology Majors
Professional Careers in Psychology
Marketing Yourself to Employers
Graduate School
• Graduate Study in Psychology and Related Fields. This book lists relevant graduate schools in North America and information about programs offered at each school. Additional details such as GRE scores of recent admittees and number of students receiving financial assistance are included. In conjunction with your preferences for geographical location, school reputations, and financial circumstances, this book will help generate a list of possible schools. This book may be checked out from the Department of Psychology office. The department has also developed advising guides for students interested in school and clinical psychology graduate study.
• Eye on Psi Chi frequently publishes helpful articles about applying and transitioning to graduate school. Here's an example. And, Winthrop's Dr. Sleigh and Dr. Ritzer published a Psi Chi article titled I Got Into Graduate School! Now What?
• Winthrop's Dr. Tracy Griggs' presentation Getting Into Grad School: Tips and Timelines
• Where Should I Apply to Graduate School? by Jeffrey L. Helms and Mary E. Schnorf
• Online Psychology Career Center, a one-stop resource for psychology students looking for jobs or interested in graduate school. It has multiple listings of different types of graduate programs
• Dr. Walsh's Pursuing Psychology Graduate School Page
• Dr. Reiland's advice on applying to graduate school for those interested in clinical psychology.
• Many graduate schools require the Educational esting Services’ Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
• Winthrop's Department of English publishes information on preparing for the GRE.
• APA on How to Apply to Grad School