WEb-Based Academic Support For Winthrop Psychology Majors

Advising, Course Selection, Registration
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 101
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 301/302
Internships and Service Learning
Writing Papers for Psychology Classes
Science and Pseudoscience In Psychology
Where to Find Credible Information on the Web
Oral Presentations in Psychology Classes
Resources For Undergraduate Research
Resources for Personal Productivity, Wellness, and Effectiveness
Employment Information for Psychology Majors
Professional Careers in Psychology
Marketing Yourself to Employers
Employment Information for Psychlogy Majors
• Marky Lloyd’s Careers in Psychology Page: This page includes entry-level jobs as well as Masters and Doctoral careers in psychology and related areas.
Dr. Cheryl Fortner-Wood's Careers in Human Development and Psychogy web page.
• Psychology Career Center. This noncommercial website is intended to help aspiring psychologists, psychology students and job seekers make better, more informed career choices by providing them with relevant, reliable and up-to-date career development, job search and employment information.
• What Can I do with a Degree in Psychology? University of Georgia
• Online Psychology Career Center, a one-stop resource for psychology students looking for jobs or interested in graduate school.
• Psychology Careers and Job Search Guide. This is a resource for aspiring psychology students and graduates seeking career information, education, job search, and licensure assistance. Aside from a few Google Ads, all resources on this page are non-commercial in nature and free to use.
• American Psychological Association's Especially for Students page.
• The Federal Occupational Outlook Handbook provides extensive information about hundreds of careers. Search using key words, occupational groups, alphabetical order, and other criteria. It is a great way to begin gathering information on careers.
• ONET is an extensive resource with a number of search options, including the ability to locate careers based upon results from career assessments. Learn about required skills, tools needed in the career, educational preparation needed, work context, and other relevant information for many occupations.
• CareerOneStop offers a variety of tools to learn more about occupations. Research industries, view career profiles, set career goals, determine trends, and find salary information by occupation or geographic area.
• Career Cornerstone Center offers career exploration and planning resources for anyone interested in careers in science, technology, engineering, math, computing, and health care. Learn about educational requirements, salaries, and career possibilities, and hear about the day-to-day from professionals in the field.
• Certified Child Life Specialists are "trained professionals with expertise in helping children and their families overcome life’s most challenging events. Armed with a strong background in child development and family systems, child life specialists promote effective coping through play, preparation, education, and self-expression activities. They provide emotional support for families, and encourage optimum development of children facing a broad range of challenging experiences, particularly those related to healthcare and hospitalization. Because they understand that a child’s wellbeing depends on the support of the family, child life specialists provide information, support and guidance to parents, siblings, and other family members. They also play a vital role in educating caregivers, administrators, and the general public about the needs of children under stress." (Child Life Council)