WEb-Based Academic Support For Winthrop Psychology Majors

Advising, Course Selection, Registration
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 101
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 301/302
Internships and Service Learning
Writing Papers for Psychology Classes
Science and Pseudoscience In Psychology
Where to Find Credible Information on the Web
Oral Presentations in Psychology Classes
Resources For Undergraduate Research
Resources for Personal Productivity, Wellness, and Effectiveness
Employment Information for Psychology Majors
Professional Careers in Psychology
Marketing Yourself to Employers
Advising, Course Selection and Registration
• All psychology majors are assigned an advisor within the department. The department chair sends an email at the beginning of each advising period with detailed information. Watch for this email In October and March. You can also expect an email from your advisor with information about how to sign up for an advising meeting. Your advisor is also available at other times. Check for office hours or contact your advisor to schedule a meeting.
• Winthrop's Office of Records and Registration is THE source of information about course offerings, registration schedules, catalogs, financial aid, cultural events, etc. More info here.
• The College of Arts and Sciences Office of Student Services publishes information about advising, registration, forms, planning for graduation, etc. here.
• Psychology Department Suggestions for Selecting Courses
• Degree checklists are provided to all psychology majors. An alternative Excel degree checklist developed by Dr. Sinn is available here. And, here's a pdf version.
• Biology is a popular minor for psychology majors. Here is a list of suggested courses for this minor.
• Registration time assignments available here.