WEb-Based Academic Support For Winthrop Psychology Majors

Advising, Course Selection, Registration
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 101
Reminders About What You Learned In PSYC 301/302
Internships and Service Learning
Writing Papers for Psychology Classes
Science and Pseudoscience In Psychology
Where to Find Credible Information on the Web
Oral Presentations in Psychology Classes
Resources For Undergraduate Research
Resources for Personal Productivity, Wellness, and Effectiveness
Employment Information for Psychology Majors
Professional Careers in Psychology
Marketing Yourself to Employers
Marketing Yourself to Potential Employers
• Winthrop's Center for Career and Civic Engagement (CCCE) provides resources and programs for students and alumni to develop the necessary skills to conduct effective career searches and make informed career decisions. Services include career assessment and guidance, professional development workshops, résumé critiques, mock interviews, internship assistance, employment fairs, and an employment databank, EAGLElink, where students and alumni can search for part time, internships, full time or volunteer opportunities.
• EAGLElink is the CCCE online jobsite where students and alumni can search for relevant part-time, full-time, internship, or volunteer opportunities. Employers and community partners post regional and national opportunities on a daily basis.
• Resume and cover letter advice is availabe at CCCE as well.
• NY Times Article: Why Cover Letters are Not Expendable
• Employers often use computer programs to screen resumes for key words related to the position they are trying to fill. This brief article explains how to write your resume so that it has a better chance of being screened in.
• Sell Yourself into a New Job by Dorothy Leeds.