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More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) green piece
     First Issue
   Fall 2005

   Table of

   Writing 501



"Web Accessibility"
by Kimberly Byrd

"The power of the Web is in its universality.
Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web


The World Wide Web has opened the doors to numerous individuals with physical and developmental impairments; but as technology has progressed, accessibility challenges have soared. Multimedia content, complicated Web design, proprietary plug-ins, and various scripting languages are just a few of the advancements that have made Web sites inaccessible for many. How do we keep the door of accessibility open for our visitors? These Web pages provide insight into the issues of Web accessibility and address ways that we can, regardless of our technical savvy, create electronic publications that are accessible to all.

To quickly gain a clearer understanding of Web accessibility, view the video "Keeping Web Accessibility in Mind."

The video will open in your Windows Media Player. If you prefer a different file type or wish to view captions for the video, visit the WebAIM site's video download page.

Topics covered include:


Go to the next section on accessibility.

Word Count = 2,575
Publish Date: 11/30/05