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More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) green piece

   First Issue
   Fall 2005

   Table of

   Writing 501



"Web Accessibility"
by Kimberly Byrd

Online Resources

online resources

There is a plethora of information regarding accessibility available to you online. The following lists only scratch the surface but will hopefully serve as a terrific starting point as you search to create accessible Web content.

(Note: Each list is arranged alphabetically, and all resource links will spawn a new window when activated.)







Regulations and Recommendations
     These Web sites are either official government sites that explain legislation or sites that are dedicated to establishing Internet accessibility standards.

Site Evaluation Software
     Although there is absolutely no substitute for manually checking each page of a Web site for accessibility, automated checking programs, such as those listed here, can instantly provide useful reports on the overall effectiveness of a site.

Tips, Topics, & Tutorials
     The following sites educate Web developers of all levels on accessibility issues.

Go to the "Web Accessibility" introduction page.