Assignments  + Editing Test + Revision

Your assignments in Writing 465 revolve around a semester-long project that asks you to prepare a fully-developed proposal to a real audience (also known as 'the formal report'). Almost all of the written, oral, and electronic assignments you do in the course will help you write this large document. Few of the preliminary assignments are very long--most are a page or two at most. However, you will need to get used to submitting such assignments almost daily and to work on multiple assignments at one time. As in the workplace, there is no real 'down time' in Writing 465. You can't let the work 'slide' for a week or two and hope to complete the course successfully. The deadlines set on the course calendar are firm; copy them into your personal calendar and plan your life accordingly.

Writing Assignments + Oral Assignments + Electronic Assignments

Editing Test


Execution is a major concern in WRIT 465. We will discuss the need for excellent execution in professional communication and refresh your memories. Then you will take a 25-item test to determine whether you can detect basic execution errors. To practice for the editing test, try these exercises.