The Art of the Book:
Materials to Accompany "A Stitch In Time: Using Art History and Book Arts to Teach Codicology"

Laura Rinaldi Dufresne, Laura Gardner, and Josephine A. Koster


Reference Materials

Library Exhibitions of Student Work from "The Art of the Book" class--examples from 2003--2009

Rachel T's metal book Laura D works on displays Student Coptic
Students setting up exhibit Student example Bethany--Coptic
Re-bound commercial book, double-needle Coptic, by Koster Student Coptic ReabbitBook
Sarah Bandy's Coptics

Michael Gentry's Coptic

Koster work on exhibit

Pictures of class workshops on Coptic bindings with guest artist Bryant  Holsenbeck

student workshop Bryant instructs students student workshop
student workshop Laura G and Bryant instruct students student workshop
student workshop Jo Koster & Bryant, 2005 Finished coptics