A good answer might be:

If the combined size of the stack, the data, and the heap is less than the total available memory, then there is no problem.

Complete main()

Back to the example program (you were probably hoping that I'd forget). Here is the complete main(). There is nothing new in it; its listed here so you can see all the parts in place.

#  main()
#  {
#    int a, b;    // a: 0($fp),  b: 4($fp)
#    write("enter an int:")
#    read( a );
#    b = fact( a );
#    write("factorial is:")
#    print( b );
#  }
         .globl  main
                                  # prolog        
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   1. Push return address
         sw      $ra,($sp)
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   2. Push caller's frame pointer
         sw      $fp,($sp)
                                  #   3. No S registers to push
         sub     $fp,$sp,8        #   4. $fp = $sp - space_for_variables
         move    $sp,$fp          #   5. $sp = $fp

                                  # write("enter an int:")
         li     $v0,4             #   print string service
         la     $a0,prompt1       #   address of prompt
                                  # read( a )
         li     $v0,5             #   read integer service
         syscall                  #   $v0 gets the integer
         sw     $v0,0($fp)        #   save in variable a
                                  # subroutine call
                                  #   1. No T registers to push
         lw      $a0,0($fp)       #   2. Put argument into $a0
         jal     fact             #   3. Jump and link to subroutine
                                  # return from subroutine 
                                  #   1. No T registers to restore
         sw     $v0,4($fp)        # b = fact( a )
                                  # write("factorial is:")
         li     $v0,4             #   print string service
         la     $a0,prompt2       #   address of prompt
                                  # print( b )
         lw     $a0,4($fp)        # load a into $a0
         li     $v0,1             # print integer service

                                  # end the print line
         li     $v0,4             #   print string service
         la     $a0,lf            #   address of line feed
                                  # epilog
                                  #   1. No return value         
         add     $sp,$fp,8        #   2. $sp = $fp + space_for_variables       
                                  #   3. No S registers to pop      
         lw      $fp,($sp)        #   4. Pop $fp
         add     $sp,$sp,4        #           
         lw      $ra,($sp)        #   5. Pop $ra
         add     $sp,$sp,4        #                                    
         jr      $ra              # return to OS 

prompt1: .asciiz "enter an int:"
prompt2: .asciiz "factorial is:"
lf:      .asciiz "\n"


What subroutine does main() call?