A good answer might be:


Entry Point

The first address in this subroutine is called fact. Of course, fact will correspond to a main storage address at run-time. That address is determined by the assembler, the linker, and the loader.

#  int fact( int n )
#  {
#    if ( n<=1)
#      return 1;
#    else
#      return n*fact(n-1);
#  }
         .globl  fact
                                  # prolog        
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   1. Push return address
         sw      $ra,($sp)
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   2. Push caller's frame pointer
         sw      $fp,($sp)
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   3. Push register $s1
         sw      $s1,($sp)
         sub     $fp,$sp,0        #   4. $fp = $sp - space_for_variables (==0)
         move    $sp,$fp          #   5. $sp = $fp
                                  # body of subroutine
        . . . . . .
epilog:                           # epilog
                                  #   1. Return value is already in $v0        
         add     $sp,$fp,0        #   2. $sp = $fp + space_for_variables (==0)
         lw      $s1,($sp)        #   3. Pop register $s1
         add     $sp,$sp,4        #          
         lw      $fp,($sp)        #   4. Pop $fp
         add     $sp,$sp,4        #           
         lw      $ra,($sp)        #   5. Pop $ra
         add     $sp,$sp,4        #            
         jr      $ra              #   6. return to caller 

The symbol fact is a global symbol (also called an external symbol) so that the assembler, linker, and loader can use that symbol to refer to the same place in memory.

A location such as fact that is a target of a subroutine call is called an entry point. Sometimes a subroutine has several entry points, one for each of several related functions.


(Thought Question:) Does a global symbol always correspond to an entry point?