A good answer might be:

No. It does not call a subroutine and so can leave the return address in $ra.

Subroutine convert

After reading in a line, doLines calls convert to convert the entire line to upper case. convert calls conChar for each character in the line.

convert needs a register to hold a character pointer that moves through the line. It can't use a "T" register for this because it calls another subroutine. So it uses an "S" register. But it must restore the "S" register to its original state when it returns to its caller.

This is the situation that calls for pushing an "S" register on the stack, using it in the subroutine body, and then popping it from the stack before returning to the caller.

# convert -- convert a line to all capitals
# on entry:
#    $a0 -- address of input buffer
#    $a1 -- length of input buffer
# register use:
#    $s0 -- pointer into character buffer
# on exit:
#    no return values
         .globl  convert
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        # push the return address
         sw      $ra,($sp)
         #    What should be done HERE??

                                  # for ( p=buffer; *p!=0; p++ )
         move    $s0,$a0          # p=buffer

cloop:   lbu     $a0,($s0)        # get a char from the string
         beqz    $a0,endC         # exit if null byte
                                  # argument a0: char to convert
         jal     conChar          # convert character
         sb      $v0,($s0)        # put converted char into string                 
         addu    $s0,$s0,1        # p++
         b       cloop         
         #    And what should be done HERE??
         lw      $ra,($sp)        # pop return address
         add     $sp,$sp,4         
         jr      $ra              # return to caller 



Fill in the missing code.