A good answer might be:

See below.

Complete Convert

convert uses $s0 as a character pointer because $a0 might be changed by conChar. You might think that it would be a good idea to look inside conChar to see if, in fact, it actually changes $a0. But this is a violation of modularity. It is much better to have a calling convention, and to follow it, than to make modules depend critically on each other's quirks.

For example, conChar doesn't actually alter $a0. At least not now, but later on, conChar might be changed. Then you (or the unfortunate programmer that inherited your program) would have to look everywhere conChar was used to see what assumptions were made.

# convert -- convert a line to all capitals
# on entry:
#    $a0 -- address of input buffer
#    $a1 -- length of input buffer
# register use:
#    $s0 -- pointer into character buffer
# on exit:
#    no return values
         .globl  convert
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        # push the return address
         sw      $ra,($sp)
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        # push $s0
         sw      $s0,($sp)

                                  # for ( p=buffer; *p!=0; p++ )
         move    $s0,$a0          # p=buffer

cloop:   lbu     $a0,($s0)        # get a char from the string
         beqz    $a0,endC         # exit if null byte
                                  # argument a0: char to convert
         jal     conChar          # convert character
         sb      $v0,($s0)        # put converted char into string                 
         addu    $s0,$s0,1        # p++
         b       cloop         
         lw      $s0,($sp)        # pop $s0 
         add     $sp,$sp,4                                    
         lw      $ra,($sp)        # pop return address
         add     $sp,$sp,4         
         jr      $ra              # return to caller 



Would it be a good idea to look into doLines to see if $s0 is important and actually needs to be saved?