A good answer might be:

See below

Finished Program

Here is the finished program. If you had plenty of registers available you would use them to hold the terms of the expressions, not the stack. But in a large program, with many registers in use, you might do it this way.

# Evaluate the expression ab - 12a + 18b - 7
# Settings: Load delays OFF; Branch delays OFF,
#           Trap file    ON; Pseudoinstructions ON   

        .globl  main

        lw      $t0,a          # get a
        lw      $t1,bb         # get b
        mul     $t0,$t0,$t1    # a*b
        subu    $sp,$sp,4      # push a*b onto stack
        sw      $t0,($sp)
        lw      $t0,a          # get a
        li      $t1,-12        # 
        mul     $t0,$t0,$t1    # -12a
        subu    $sp,$sp,4      # push -12a onto stack
        sw      $t0,($sp)
        lw      $t0,bb         # get b
        li      $t1,18         # 
        mul     $t0,$t0,$t1    # 18b
        subu    $sp,$sp,4      # push 18b onto stack
        sw      $t0,($sp)

        li      $t1,-7         # init sum to -7
        lw      $t0,($sp)      # pop 18b
        addu    $sp,$sp,4
        addu    $t1,$t1,$t0    # 18b -7
        lw      $t0,($sp)      # pop -12a
        addu    $sp,$sp,4
        addu    $t1,$t1,$t0    # -12a + 18b -7
        lw      $t0,($sp)      # pop ab
        addu    $sp,$sp,4
        addu    $t1,$t1,$t0    # ab - 12a + 18b -7
done:   li      $v0,1          # print sum
        move    $a0,$t1
        li      $v0,10         # exit

a:      .word  0
bb:     .word  10



(Thought Question:) Is it possible to run out of memory if too many things are pushed onto the stack?