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Dr. Keith Robbins


Winthrop University
421 Thurmond Building
Rock Hill, SC   29733

Telephone: (803-323-2699)
FAX: (803-323-3960)
1806 Fairlawn Ct.
Rock Hill, SC 29732
Telephone: (803-324-4157)















































































































































































































































































Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of South Carolina

Degree granted: May, 1990; Dissertation defense: August 1989

     Major area: Strategic Management
     Minor area: Management Science 

Dissertation Title: Retrenchment and Turnaround in the U.S. Textile Industry: An Empirical Analysis of the Interrelationships Among Problem Cause, Retrenchment Response, and Action Response in Successful Turnarounds. 

Master of Science, Clemson University

Degree granted: Fall 1979. Major area: Management 

Bachelor of Science, Clemson University

Degree granted: Fall 1977. Major area: Electrical Engineering Technology


Chair, Management and Marketing Department
College of Business Administration, Winthrop University.
Responsible for administration of 15 tenure-track faculty member department and the directors of student services, graduate studies, and the Small Business Development Center. Duties include course scheduling, recruitment, budgeting, conducting departmental faculty meetings, faculty performance evaluation, research, and teaching. Served as Chair of the AACSB Intellectual Contributions Committee. Served as Chair of the AACSB Core Committee. Member of the following committees: MBA Task Force, General Management Task Force, Deans Council, SACS Physical Resources Committee, Entrepreneurship Committee, Integrated Marketing Communications Curriculum Committee, Sport Management Curriculum Committee. Responsible for teaching graduate and undergraduate sections of Business Policy and Strategy. Faculty advisor to approximately 30 students.


1996-1997     University of Richmond

Visiting Associate Professor of Management: Responsible for teaching undergraduate and MBA sections of Business Policy and Strategy. 

1987-1996     George Mason University

Assistant Professor of Strategic Management.

Responsible for teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in Management.Developed courses for Ph.D.curriculum. Faculty Recruiting Coordinator, 1988. Faculty sponsor for the Society for advancement of Management (SAM). Faculty sponsor the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). Faculty sponsor for MBA Association (MBAA). Faculty consultant to Residential College Community. Faculty representative/recruiter for International Business Seminars (IBS). accompanied group of 40 students from Universities around the U.S. on three week study of prominent European Businesses with an emphasis on cross-cultural comparative management practices. Management Area discipline representative for Career Development and Advising. SBA representative in Faculty Senate, 1995-1996.

Courses Taught at George Mason:
Mgmt 312: Management Theory and Practice
Mgmt 491: Seminar in Management
Mgmt 498: Business Policy and Strategy
Mgmt 610: Organization Theory and Management Principles
Mgmt 613: Management of Organizations
mgmt 794: Seminar in Corporate Restructuring

1985 - 87     Auburn University

Assistant Professor in Department of Management.

Responsible for teaching two sections of Business Policy per quarter. Served on MBA examination and Library Committees. Faculty representative for Auburn team in annual Mid-South MBA Case Competition.

1983 - 85     University of South Carolina

Graduate Teaching Assistant in College of Business Administration. 

Responsible for all aspects of teaching undergraduate courses in management, statistics, and operations research.

1983 - 85     Graduate Research Assistant 

Graduate Research Assistant - Participated in the development, implementation, analysis, and write-ups for presentation and publication of field research.

1979 - 81     Western Carolina University

Instructor of Management - Responsible for all aspects of teaching courses in management theory and quantitative techniques for decision-making. Served on Faculty Grievance Committee and as a student advisor. Taught intensive management short-course in Jamaica, Summer of 1980.


1982:   South Carolina Small Business Development Center
Consultant - Responsible for all activities in assisting small business clients. Required in-depth research and preparation of information from educational institutions, libraries, outside consultants, trade associations and related business organizations.

1977    Celanese Plastics Company, Greer, South Carolina
(Acquired by American Hoechst Corporation, 1979)
Quality Control Fiber Engineer - Developed test procedure utilizing continuous gauge measurement device in place of off-line manual testing.

1974 - 76   Summers Celanese Plastics Company
Production and Quality Control Operator - Performed statistical analysis utilizing acceptance sampling and process control techniques. Formulated raw materials inspection standard operating procedure.


Served as consultant for the development and implementation of functional-level strategic planning groups for Blue Cross Blue Shield National Capital Area. Conducted training in use of statistical process control (SPC) for Zellweger-Uster a leading supplier of process monitoring equipment to the U.S. Textile Mill Manufacturing Industry. Conducted training seminars in Problem Solving and Decision Making for senior managers at Newport News Shipbuilding a division of Tenneco in Newport News, Virginia.
Developed business plan for Digital Systems Research Corporation (protege) in conjunction with American Management Systems (mentor) in conjunction with the George Mason Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP). Subcontracted portion of FDA costing analysis for Arthur Andersen & Co. Formulated Strategic Plan for Home Health Clinical Services and Equipment Company, a division of Inova Health Care.


“Faculty Perceptions Regarding Tenure as it Pertains to Management Education,” International Journal of Business Disciplines, with J.A. Pearce II, Forthcoming. 

“Business School Curricular Responses to the Emergence of Electronic Commerce,” Journal of Internet Commerce, with David Bradbard, Emma Jane Riddle, William Grigsby, and Elnora Stuart, Forthcoming.               

“An Empirical Assessment of the Contribution of Small Business Employment to U.S. State Economic Performance,” Small Business Economics, with L. J. Pantuosco, D. F. Parker, and B. K. Fuller, 15(4): 293-302, 2000.   

"Retrenchment Among Small Manufacturing Firms During Recession," Journal of Small Business Management, with S. C. Michael, 36(3): 35-45, 1998.   

"The Effects of Managers' Entrepreneurial Behavior on Subordinates," Journal of Business Venturing, with J. A.Pearce II and T.R. Kramer, 12(2): 147-160, 1997

"Retrenchment Remains the Foundation of Business Turnaround,"  Strategic Management Journal, with J.A. Pearce II, 15(5): 407-417, 1994   

"Entrepreneurial Recovery Strategies of Small Market Share Manufacturers,"  Journal of Business Venturing, with J.A. Pearce II, 9(2): 91-108, 1994. 

“Entrepreneurial Retrenchment Among Small Manufacturing Firms." Journal of Business Venturing, with J.A. Pearce II, 8(4): 301-318, 1993. 

"Contributions to a Theory of Business-Unit Turnaround."  Journal of Management, with J.A.Pearce II, 19(3): 613-636, 1993. 

"Turnaround: Retrenchment and Recovery."  Strategic Management Journal,  with J.A. Pearce II,13(4): 287-309, 1992. 

"The Impact of Grand Strategy and Planning Formality on Financial Performance." Strategic Management Journal, with J.A.Pearce II and R.B. Robinson, 8(2): 125‑134, 1987.


Robbins, D. K., "Review of James Dean, Deciding to Innovate: How Firms Justify Advanced Technology." Academy of Management Executive, Vol II, No. 2, 167‑169, 1988.


Robbins, D. K., "PWH Corporation: A Diverse Health Care Organization."  In Pearce, J. A. and Robinson, R.B., Jr.Cases in Strategic Management. Fifth Edition, Homewood IL:  Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995, 21 pages. 

Robbins, D. K., "PWH Corporation: A Diverse Health Care Organization."  In Pearce, J. A. and Robinson, R.B., Jr.Strategic Management: Formulation and Implementation. Fifth Edition, Homewood IL:  Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1994, 21 pages.    

Robbins, D. K. "Philip Morris Companies: Assessing the Long-Term Viability of the Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverage Industries." In Pearce, J. A. and Robinson, R.B., Jr.  Cases in Strategic Management. Fifth Edition, Homewood IL:  Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995, 14 pages. 

Robbins, D. K. "Philip Morris Companies: Assessing the Long-Term Viability of the Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverage Industries." In Pearce, J. A. and Robinson, R.B., Jr.  Strategic Management: Formulation and Implementation. Fifth Edition, Homewood IL:  Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1994, 14 pages.    

Robbins, D. K. "Sears, Roebuck & Company," In David, F. A. Fundamentals of Strategic Management. Second Edition. Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1989, 18 pages.  
Reprinted in David, F. R. Cases in Strategic Management.Second Edition, Merrill, 1989.

Robbins, D. K. and Zahra, S. A. "The Kroger Company," In David, F. R. Fundamentals of Strategic Management.  Second Edition.  Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1989, 21 pages.  
Reprinted in David, F. R. Cases in Strategic Management. Second Edition, Merrill, 1989.
Reprinted in Certo, S. C. and Peter, J. P. Strategic      Management. Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1991.


Robbins, D. K., "PWH Corporation: A Diverse Health Care Organization."  In Pearce, J. A. and Robinson, R.B., Jr.     Strategic Management: Formulation and Implementation. Fifth      Edition, Homewood IL:  Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1994.   

Robbins, D. K. "Philip Morris Companies Assessing the Long-Term Viability of the Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverage Industries." In Pearce, J. A. and Robinson, R.B., Jr.  Strategic Management: Formulation and Implementation. Fifth Edition, Homewood IL:  Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1994. 

Robbins, D. K. "Sears, Roebuck & Company," In David, F. R. Instructor's Manual: Fundamentals of Strategic Management.  Second Edition. Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. 1991. 

Robbins, D. K. and Zahra, S. A. "The Kroger Company," In David, F. R. Instructor's Manual: Fundamentals of Strategic Management.  Second Edition.  Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. 1991. 


Pantuosco, L.J., Parker, D.F. and Robbins, D.K., The Contribution Of Manufacturing Employment To U.S. State Economic Productivity. Southeast Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings – Southeastern Chapter, 2001. 

Bradbard, D.A., Robbins, D.K., Riddle, E.J., Grigsby, W.W., and Stuart, E.W., Curriculum Responses To The Emergence Of Electronic Commerce. Southern Management Association Proceedings, 2000. 

Robbins, D. K., Pantuosco, L.J., Parker, D.F. and Fuller, B.K., The Contribution of Small Business to U.S. State Economic Growth. Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings – Southeastern Chapter, 2000.   

Robbins, D. K., and Pearce, J.A. Faculty Perceptions Regarding Tenure as it Pertains to Management Education. Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1998. 

Robbins, D. K., and Bradbard, D. A. Informational Facilitators of Turnaround. The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Proceedings (INFORMS) – Southeastern Chapter, 1998.   

Robbins, D. K., Pearce, J. A. and Michael, S. C., Recession Resistant Manufacturers. Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) – Southeastern Chapter, Proceedings, 1997.   

Michael, S. C. and Robbins, D. K.     Retrenchment Strategies Among Small Manufacturing Firms. Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 1997.

Robbins, D. K., The Implications of Cost and Asset Retrenchment For Firms in Severe Turnaround Situations: A Short and Long Term Perspective. Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1996. 

Robbins, D. K., Pearce, J. A. II, Cordell, V. V., and Cheung, J. K.       The Role of Financial Data in Managing Corporate Turnaround.       International Management Development Association Proceedings      of the Fourth Annual World Business Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 1995.  (Awarded Best Paper).

DeDee, J. K., Robbins, D. K. and Asselin, G. F. "Business Opportunities for American Firms in Eastern Europe: Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland" Southern Management Association      Proceedings, 1994. 

Robbins, D. K. "Philip Morris Companies: Assessing the Long-Term Viability of the Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverage Industries." North American Case Research Association Proceedings, 1993. 

Pearce, J. A. II, and Robbins, D. K., "Benchmarks for Faculty Consulting."  Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1993. 

Robbins, D. K. "Chincoteague Island: Reginald Stubbs Seafood Co, Inc."  North American Case Research Association Proceedings, 1993. 

Pearce, J. A. II, Robbins, D. K., and Kramer, T. R.,  "Empirical Support for the Presumed Benefits of Horizontal Acquisitions."  Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, 1993. 

Robbins, D. K., "Survival Strategies for American Manufacturing Firms." Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1992. 

Hogan, E. I., Pearce, J. A. II, and Robbins, D. K., "Realized Benefits of Horizontal Integration."  Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1992. 

Robbins, D. K., "Gannett and USA Today."  North American Case Research Association Proceedings,  1992. 

Robbins, D. K., "PWH Corporation: A Diverse Health Care Organization."  North American Case Research Association Proceedings,  1992. 

Pearce, J. A. II, and Robbins, D. K., "Entrepreneurial Turnaround Strategies." Frontiers of Entrepreneurship, April, 17, 1991. 

Robbins, D. K., and Pearce, J. A. II, "Functional-Level Turnaround Strategies." Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1991. 

Pearce, J. A. II, and Robbins, D. K., "An Empirically Driven Conceptual Model of Organizational Turnaround." Eastern Academy of Management Proceedings, 1991. (Awarded Best Conceptual Paper). 

Robbins, D. K., "Sears, Roebuck, and Company."  North American Case Research Association Proceedings, 1990. 

Robbins, D. K., and Zahra, S. A. "The Kroger Company." North American Case Research Association Proceedings, 1990. 

Robbins, D. K., and Pearce, J. A. II, "Retrenchment and Turnaround." Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1990. 

Robbins, D. K., and Pearce, J. A. II, "An Empirical Analysis of the Degree, Focus, and Performance Implications of the Retrenchment Response To Turnaround Situations." Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1989. 

Robbins, D. K., and Pearce, J. A. II, "An Empirical Analysis of the Strategic‑Operating Dichotomy of Cause and Response in Turnaround Situations." Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1988. 

Erdener, C. B., and Robbins, D. K. "The Relationship Between R & D Investment and Recovery In Successful Turnaround." Southern Management Association Proceedings,  1988. 

Robbins, D. K., Pearce, J. A. II, and Robinson, R. B. "The Analysis of the Interrelationships Among Problem Cause, Retrenchment Response, and Action Response in Successful Turnarounds."  Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1987. 

Pearce, J. A. II, Robinson, R. B., and Robbins, D. K." Measurement of CEO Social Power." Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1985. 

Robbins, D. K., Winn A. R., and DeNisi, A. S. "The Effects of Supervisory Style, Vocational Interests and Intrinsic Satisfaction on Employee Turnover." Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1984. 

Robinson, R. B., Pearce, J. A. II, Robbins, D. K., and McDougall, P. P. "An Interactive Analysis of the Impact of Grand Strategy and Planning Formality on Financial Performance." Southern Management Association Proceedings, 1984. 

Robbins, D. K. and Pearce, J. A. II. "The Design and Activation of Self‑Regulating Work Groups."  Southern Management Association Proceedings,  1983.


Robbins, D. K., Michael, S. L., Pearce, J. A. II and DeDee, J. K.      "Retrenchment Among Small Manufacturing Firms During         Macroeconomic Recession"  Academy of Management Proceedings,       Vancouver, BC, August, 1995.  

Pearce, J. A., II, Kramer, T. R. and Robbins, D. K. "The Effects of      Managers' Entrepreneurial Behavior on Subordinates" Academy of      Management Proceedings,  Dallas, TX, August, 1994.

Pearce, J. A. II, and Robbins, D. K.,  "A Membership Survey on Faculty Consulting."  Academy of Management Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, August, 1993

Robbins, D. K., Pearce, J. A. II, and Zahra, S. A. "Financial Indicators of Decline and Turnaround."  Academy of Management Proceedings, Miami, FLA, August, 1991. 

Robbins, D. K. "The Interrelationships Among Situation Severity, Retrenchment Response, and Recovery in Business Turnarounds." Academy of Management Proceedings, Washington, DC, August, 1989. 

Robbins, D. K., and Pearce, J. A. II, "Retrenchment Among Small Manufacturing Businesses: An Empirical Analysis of Asset and Cost Reduction Turnaround Strategies." Academy of Management Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, August, 1987. 

Pearce, J. A. II, Robbins, D. K., and Robinson, R. B. "Competitive Methods in Successful Turnarounds." Academy of Management Proceedings,  Chicago, IL, August, 1986. 

Pearce, J. A. II, and Robbins, D. K. "Research Implications for Self‑Regulating Work Groups."  Academy of Management Proceedings,  San Diego, CA, August, 1985. 

Pearce, J. A. II, Robinson, R. B., McDougall, P. P. and Robbins, D. K. "Life Cycle Considerations Influencing the Impact of Strategic Management Activities in Entrepreneurial Firms."  Academy of Management Proceedings, Boston, MA, August, 1984.   


Robbins, D. K., Oviatt, B. M., Bruton, G. D., and Hofer, C. W. "The Cutting Edge of Research on Organizational Turnaround: A Symposium."  Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, 1990. 



An Empirical Study of a Minority-Led Leveraged Buyout with Michael Evans and Frederick Duncan. Targeted for submission to Journal of Case Research. 

The Importance of Manufacturing Sector Employment to U.S. State Economic Productivity with Lou Pantuosco and Darrell Parker. Targeted for submission to Small Business Economics.


Current research efforts are focused on management information system components that facilitate the strategic management process.


Academy of Management, Annual Meeting 1995, 1994, 1993, 1991, 1989, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984
Babson Entrepreneurship Conference 1991
Decision Sciences Institute, National 1993 Meeting Decision Sciences Institute, 2001, 2000 Southeastern Chapter
Eastern Academy of Management 1997,1991(Best Paper)
North American Case Research 1993 (2), 1992 (2), Association 1990 (2)
Southeastern Institute for Operations 1998,1997 
Research and Management Sciences
Southern Management Association,2000, 1998, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992 (2), 1991, 1990(2),1989, 1988 (2),1987, 1985, 1984 (2),1983
World Business Congress 1995 (Best Paper)


Referee for Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1999. 

Referee for Southeastern Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1998. 

Referee for Southeastern Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1997. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Strategic Management Journal, 1997. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, 1997. 

Vice President-Local Arrangements for Eastern Academy of Management, 1996. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Strategic Management Journal, 1996. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, 1996. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Business Research, 1996. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, 1995. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Business Research, 1995. 

Referee for North American Case Research Association Annual Meeting, 1995. 

Referee for Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1995. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Business Research, 1994. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, 1994.

Referee for Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1994. 

Discussant, Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1994. 

Referee for Business Policy and Planning Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 1994. 

Referee for Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, 1994 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, 1993. 

Referee for North American Case Research Association Annual Meeting, 1993. 

Referee for Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1993. 

Discussant for Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, 1993. 

Referee for Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 1992. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Management, 1992. 

Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journal of Management Studies, 1992. 

Referee for Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1991. 

Referee for Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1990. 

Session Chairperson, Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1990. 

Referee for Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, 1990 

Referee for Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1989. 

Discussant for Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1989. 

Referee for Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, 1989 

Referee for Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, 1988 

Referee for Business Policy and Planning Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 1987. 

Referee for Business Policy and Planning Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 1986. 

Session Chairperson, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 1986. 

Session Chairperson, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 1985. 

Discussant, Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, 1984. 


Primary area of interest is strategic management and related areas such as corporate restructuring, industry analysis for competitive strategy formulation, and turnaround management. Secondary teaching interests include principles of management, research methods, operations research, statistics and public policy. 


Academy of Management
Southern Management Association
Alpha Kappa Psi (National Business Fraternity)
Southeastern Decision Sciences Institute


Recipient of Winthrop University, College of Business Administration Springs Award for Outstanding Research. 1999. 

Recipient of George Mason University Teaching Excellence Award 1996. One of 5 selected from 1400 faculty. Award included $1500 cash stipend. 

Selected and trained a team of students that took first place honors in the Undergraduate Division of the Society for Advancement of Management International Case Competition in Corpus Christi, Texas 1996. 

Selected Chairman of Local Arrangements for 1996 Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meetings.  The selection was based on authorship of the winning proposal that resulted in George Mason being recognized as the host institution for the meetings in May 1996. 

Best Paper Award Winner at Fourth Annual World Business Congress Meetings in Istanbul, Turkey, July 1995. 

Selected and trained a team of students that took first place honors in the Undergraduate Division of the Society for Advancement of Management International Case Competition in Newport Beach, California 1995. 

Finalist for George Mason University Teaching Excellence Award 1994.  One of 20 selected from 1400 faculty. 

Selected, trained, and accompanied team of students that took first place honors in the Undergraduate Division of the Society for Advancement of Management International Case Competition in Orlando, Florida, 1993. 

Nominated for Outstanding Faculty Advisor, (one of five so chosen from among 166 eligible faculty) George Mason University, 1992‑93. 

Awarded $5,000 competitive research grant by George Mason School of Business, Summer, 1993. 

Selected, trained, and accompanied team of students that took first place honors in the Graduate Division of the Society for Advancement of Management International Case Competition in Charlottesville, Virginia, 1992. 

Awarded Best Conceptual Paper, Eastern Academy of Management,  Annual Meeting 1991. 

Recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Award among 14 management faculty, George Mason University, Spring 1989. 

Nominated for Outstanding Faculty Advisor, (one of five so chosen from among 166 eligible faculty) George Mason University, 1988‑89. 

Recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Award among 14 management faculty, George Mason University, Spring 1988. 

Nominated for Outstanding Faculty Advisor, (one of five so chosen from among 164 eligible faculty) George Mason University, 1987‑88. 

University of South Carolina representative to the Business Policy and Planning Doctoral Consortium, Boston, 1984. 

Sirrine Foundation Fellowship Grant for Academic Excellence, 1978.




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Dr. Robbins Sep-01