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More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) green piece
     First Issue
Fall 2005

   Table of

   Writing 501



The city of Columbia never said Manson did not have the right to perform in their community or that he was not allowed to do so. Instead the city worked out an agreement with the singer to pay him not to plan a visit to Columbia because a majority of the members of the city did not want him there. He chose to accept the payment and not visit the city.


One of the key phrases in the First Amendment deals with protesting. While citizens have the right to congregate in order to object verbally  to the principles or actions of another person or group, there are still certain standards to which they must adhere. The First Amendment says that the government does not have power to infringe upon people’s right to assemble peaceably. However nothing is said that says a person has a right to assemble and the assemblage resort to violence. When a crowd has the “angry-mob” mentality and begin to riot or threaten the safety of innocent bystanders, they are no longer within their rights to protest.  When the Ku Klux Klan have rallies to protest against equal rights movements they are fully within their rights as citizens. Even though their ideas may seem somewhat outdated and controversial, they hold the right to present what they view as important. However if they cross the line into intimidation by way of cross-burning in front yards, verbal threats, or actual physical violence towards ethnic minorities, then they have infringed upon the rights laid out for them by the Constitution.


It is the responsibility of the American people to recognize the history of the First Amendment and their forefathers who died to ensure that these rights are present for them today. The American people must also protect the rights of the Constitution to preserve these ideas for the future. Even if one does not agree with someone’s opinion, he or she must respect the person’s right to have that opinion and to share that opinion with the masses, within the certain limitations.








