I am an an Assistant Professor and Director of the Digital Information Design Program at Winthrop University. I earned my first PhD at Southern Illinois University Carbondale and my second PhD at University of North Carolina Charlotte. My current research explores how technology can enhance and advance the educational process through the creative design, construction, and implementation of supportive programs and devices.
I am currently developing and testing a plugin that integrates secure programming education into the student's IDE. I have also worked to create novel Mandarin Chinese language learning programs using mobile devices and Kinect.
My educational path has afforded me the opportunity to work with some incredible people in amazing places around the world (e.g., Darmstadt Germany & Beijing China).
I am pretty active and am up for most anything. My current
activities include climbing, trail running, and mountain biking.
Please feel free to contact me at:
Dr. Michael Whitney
Assistant Professor
DIFD Program Director
Department of Computer Science and Quantitative Methods
College of Business Administration
317 Thurmond
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina 29733
ph: 803-323-2688