Sociology of Sports

Test 1 - REVIEW



DEF: Sociology


Functionalist theory

Conflict theory

Interactionist theory


The four levels of sport described in the textbook


The first significant impact of technological advances on nineteenth century sports


Communications breakthroughs that stimulated the growth of sport in the 19th century


Social Darwinism


In the history of black involvement in American sport, which sport have blacks been involved the longest?


The most powerful force for restricting sport involvement in the colonial period in North America was:


The first sporting goods corporation was formed by:


The two major trends in sport that characterize the past 30 years


David Reisman has characterized Americans as “other-directed.” By this he meant that Americans tend to be:


The tremendous popularity of sport in North America is most likely a consequence of:


Some coaches have violated National Collegiate Athletic Association regulations by:


Zuni Indians treat a runner who habitually wins in the following way:


About_____percent of all American and Canadian youth under the age of 17 participate in al least one organized sport.


Distinct differences between peer-play games and adult-organized youth sports


Peer-play and adult-organized youth sports programs


Child labor laws


Professionalized orientations towards sports


Spontaneous play


The Bill of Rights for Young Athletes     


The sociology of sport


Social structure


The precise definition of sport


Sports as “contested activities”


One of the most hotly contested aspects of sports in society is


The sociology of sport differs from the psychology of sport in that…


Games played by the ancient Greeks

Roman sports


The games played by peasants in Medieval Europe


 “Renaissance man”


Influence of Calvinism and Puritanism


Sports during the industrial revolution


Rates of sport participation in the early years of the Industrial Revolution:


African slaves made up 20 percent of the U.S. population during the early years of the Industrial Revolution. The physical activities of these Africans generally emphasized


Around the turn of the century (1900) in the United States and parts of Europe, sports came to be seen as activities that


Playing certain sports would “Americanize” immigrants




Chris Stevenson’s study


Pleasure and participation sports


Power and performance sports


Organized youth sports in the United States were originally developed to teach


A neoliberal society


The five changes that have encouraged participation in organized youth sports





      READER: Reflections: Why We Play the Game

      READER: The Prehistoric Origin of Sports

      READER: The Olympics: A History of the Modern Games

      READER: Sports: The All-American Addiction

      READER: The Whole World Isn’t Watching

      READER: NASCAR Nirvana: R.V.’s, Rock Bands, and Jell-O Shots