Social class


Social stratification


Social class relations are related to sports and sport participation because


When people who control money and economic power use their financial clout to organize and sponsor sports, they give preference to sport forms that


The class ideology underlying dominant sport forms in North America involves the belief that


Class ideology in the United States is organized around


Sports are described in the lecture as cultural “sites” where


DEF: Race


The idea of race was first developed by


Racial ideology


The racial ideology that became widely accepted in the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries supported white Americans as they sought to



With regards to race, recent research in biology and genetics has led to the conclusion that


The classification systems that are popularly used to divide all human beings into specific and distinct racial categories are based on


Reasons for increased sport participation rates among girls and women


Title IX prohibits gender discrimination in


According to Title IX law in the U.S., a school may comply with the law by meeting one of three legal tests.


The future of sports


Pleasure and participation sports generally emphasize


When people play pleasure and participation sports, they are likely to


The classic embodiment of power and performance sports is


The Gay Games are an example of


When people argue against interscholastic sports, they tend to emphasize that


Reasons that it is difficult to study deviance in sports


Deviance involving overconformity is


The sport ethic


The athletes most likely to overconform to the norms of the sport ethic are




Historical data suggests that most substance use and abuse among athletes is due to


Football has become “America’s game” because it


Nearly all television broadcasts of sport events are sponsored by


Golf and tennis are frequently covered sports on television because they




Sociology of sport


People in the sociology of sport are mostly concerned with studying


Social structure


Games played by the ancient Greeks


The Romans who criticized sport spectacles in their own communities generally objected to events because they involved



The games played by local peasants in Medieval Europe


When the games of the upper classes in Medieval Europe are compared with the games of the peasants


Rates of sport participation in the early years of the Industrial Revolution were


Male immirgrants during the early 1900s were encouraged to play football, basketball, and baseball because it was believed that


Organized youth sports in the United States were originally developed to teach lower-class boys how to work together peacefully and to help middle-class boys




Gender ideology


Precise definition of sports


Sports as “contested activities”





Functionalist theory


Structural theories


The “social construction of reality”




Which of these communications breakthroughs stimulated the growth of sport in the 19th century?


Social Darwinism


In the history of black involvement in American sport, which sport have blacks been involved the  longest?




The most commonly used criterion to measure success in North American  society is



The tremendous popularity of sport in North America is most likely a consequence of




About_____percent of all American and Canadian youth under the age of 17 participate in al least one organized sport.


There are several distinct differences between peer-play games and adult-organized youth sports.


Studies of dropouts from adult-organized youth sports reveal that the majority of young athletes withdraw from participation because





No Pass, No Play.   


The research on sports participation in high schools reveals that it


There are three indicators that sport is already at the corporate level at some high schools. 




Which category of athletes has the highest graduation rate?



Big-time intercollegiate sports programs typically do not make a profit.     


One consequence of an intercollegiate athletic department’s search for money is





The ________________________of aggression/violence argues that aggression/violence is largely a product of a socialization process of observational learning and reinforcement.


According to several sports authorities, the substance that athletes abuse more than any other substance is


The only U. S. state which allows legal gambling on collegiate sports is





Which of the following typically creates the most capital gain for a professional sports team owner?


Presently, about _____percent of professional sports stadiums and arenas are owned by the franchise owners.



Compared to other top professional entertainers, professional teams sports athletes salaries are




Two of the prominent roles of the mass media are


The first sports sections to become a regular feature of newspapers appeared in the





The average length of a career in professional teams sports


Members of the upper social classes tend to engage in _______ sports more frequently than members of the lower classes.


Intragenerational mobility  



The major historical pattern of sport has been that patronage of sports…


Various forms of automobile and motorcycle racing may appeal to working-class  persons because


In a study comparing football players with non-athletes who graduated from Notre Dame, Sack and Thiel found the following


The percentage of high school athletes who will receive Division I scholarships (full or partial) is approximately:


“Prole” spectator sport


Describe the ways in which preference for sports participation in specific sports is related to socioeconomic status.


Describe the characteristics of sports played by the rich. 


Describe the characteristics of sports played by the blue-collar workers.




Information on the racial desegregation of sport


The desegregation of sport for African-Americans has been primarily motivated by


Reasons that African-American athletes have been more successful in certain sports, such as football and basketball, is that


Leadership positions in intercollegiate and professional sports tend to be held by…


The idea that “sport is a way out of the ghetto”


Three possible explanations for the overrepresentation of African-American athletes in several popular sports





Adolescent girls dropped the pursuit of serious sport involvement because


Title IX of the Educational Amendment Acts of 1972


Sociologist Nancy Theberge’s study of the sources of pleasure and satisfaction for women ice hockey players found that many of them were attracted to ice hockey because


One of the outcomes of the gay liberation has been the founding of sport organizations by and for gays and lesbians. The most prestigious sport organization, and event, is


Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972 was a landmark piece of federal legislation. How did it relate to sports for females, and what have been its consequences for females?    




Over the next two decades there is expected to be a _________in U. S. population.


Robert Putnam, in his book Bowling Along, discusses…


Fantasy sport leagues have emerged as an extremely popular form of __________ sport


A manifestation of technosport is


The emergence of superior athletic performance is largely due to a pool of ____________




Recent studies have shown that the trend toward_____________continues into the first years of this century.


The Paralympic Games are


One of the new aspects of the open visibility of gays and lesbians as sports fans is that they are beginning to