Social Theory (SOCL 502)

Spring 2008

Class Presentations


Students are responsible for a 5-10 minute presentation, and a 10-15 minute discussion on one of the social theorists.  You will sign up in pairs to give a presentation and be the class discussion leaders on one of the readings from Kivisto’s book, Social Theory: Roots and Branches.  If the theorist you choose has multiple readings, you may choose one specific reading.  The date on which you will have to be discussion leader will be listed on the sign up sheet.  Key issues that will help you develop your presentation are listed below.  You can present your findings in a traditional lecture format, or you can be creative and engage in dramatizations, group activities, etc.  Students who attend to all of the questions listed below will receive better grades than those who do not. 




  1. Note the personal characteristics, family life, friends, education, and profession of each theorist.


  1. What was the social, economic, and political context in which he was living and how might these have influenced his/her thinking?


  1. Know the important concepts, ideas, and theories associated with the theorist.


  1. Which major theories (functionalist, conflict, SI) did he/she influence and how?


  1. How does he describe the relationship between the individual and society?


  1. How did he describe social change?


  1. What other theories/theorists influenced him?


  1. How did he influence the discipline of sociology?