SOCL 502
Origins of Sociology:
- European stages of history (Classical, Dark/medieval,
Renaissance, Age of Science, The Enlightenment)
- What was the key question that social thinkers
addressed when examining these era’s?
- Economic reorganization and the industrial revolution
- Role of the French revolution in social thought
- Differences between French and British Enlightenment
Auguste Comte:
- Political stability during his youth
- His positions on the role/purpose of social science
- Career trajectory (why)
- Social Physics
- Law of 3 stages:
- Theological Military
- Metaphysical Judicial
- Scientific Industrial/Positivistic
- The development of the sciences
- Course of Positive Philosophy
- His place as a methodological founder
- Social statics and social dynamics
- Organismic analogy
- His impact on current social thinking
Herbert Spencer:
- Educational background
- Evolution of society
- Unifying principle of sciences
- Society as an organism
- Influence of Malthus
- Overpopulation’s impact
- Darwin
- Survival of the fittest
Emile Durkheim:
- Social Facts
- Invisible social world/social influence
- How do we know things are socially influenced?
- Durkheim (CONT.)
- Religion
- Essential qualities
- The sacred and the profane
- What is it?
- It’s role in all societies
- Moral order
- Relation to social structure
- Crime: Meaning; as normal; as a consequence of…
- Division of Labor
- As a new basis for social order
- Suicide
- Durkheim’s methods
- Purpose of investigation
- Egoistic/altruistic/anomic
- Anomie
- Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
- Know definition of each; how this transition
- Bases of social order
- Individual autonomy and increasing interdependence
- Common consciousness
Karl Marx:
- Ideology
- Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat
- Commodification of labor
- False consciousness
- Fettishism of commodities
- On religion
- Surplus value
- Alienation (from…)
- In the Boondocks, how and why does Jazmine experience
- Communist Manifesto
- Materialist history
Georg Simmel
- Early vs. Later work
- How is society possible?
- Web of group affiliations
- Study of society analogous to…
- Social differentiation
- Simmel vs. Marx
Max Weber:
- Contradictions in his life
- Similarities and differences from Marx
- The Spirit of Capitalism and the Protestant Work Ethic
- Role of Martin Luther
- The “Calling”
- Calvinism
- How can individuals achieve salvation?
- Evaluation of money, profit, and leisure
- What was the connection between religion and the
economic system
- What was needed for the transition to capitalism
- Example of another cultural basis that aided the
transition to capitalism
- New vs. traditional sense of work
- Capitalism and its modern moral basis
- Rationalization
- Bureaucracy
- Characteristics of a bureaucracy
- Examples from Office Space
- The McDonaldization of Society