Invitation to Sociology:
Answer the following questions:
What is unique about the habitat of the sociologist?
Peter Berger describes a fascination of sociology. What is it, and how does it
What is the first wisdom of sociology?
READING 2 - Anybody’s
Son Will Do:
Answer the following questions:
Hooking Up on the
Sociologists often address “multiple realities.” These are situations or
scenarios that are presented in exactly the same manner but viewed entirely
different by independent evaluators.
Zuboff describes Internet dating as “uncomfortable isolation” and Raney argues
it “expands social networks.” Discuss how both Zuboff and Raney can both be
READING 4 - Job on the Line:
Answer the following questions:
What solutions can you offer to stop the massive layoffs and “downsizing” at
manufacturing plants all over America, such as the one documented in Adler’s
article about the Universal Manufacturing Corporation?
Should manufacturers be held responsible for the welfare of furloughed workers
such as Mollie James, who worked for the Universal Manufacturing Corporation for
thirty-four years? Why or why not?
READING 5 - The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All: Answer the following
READING 6 - Invisible Man:
Answer the following questions:
READING 7 – The Power Elite:
Answer the following questions:
READING 8 – Social Class and Childrearing: Answer the following questions:
READING 9 – Still Separate, Still Unequal: Answer the following questions:
READING 10 – Border Blues: The Dilemma of Illegal Immigration: Answer the
following questions:
READING 11 - The McDonaldization of
Society: Answer the following questions:
You will use critical thinking, problem solving skills and research
methods in identifying
sound and unsound reasoning.
(For Help: Review Chapter 1, and use the information on sociological methods of
research to critique the methods of research used in the reading)
2. You will recognize and appreciate
human diversity (both past and present) as well as the
diversity of ideas,
institutions, philosophies, moral codes and ethical principles by
understanding cultures in
their own terms (cultural diversity
& cultural relativism). (For Help: Review Chapter 2 to review culture)
3. You will examine
how culture (values, attitudes, beliefs) influences the nature and quality
of life in terms of
problems, issues and choices that confronting people (sociological
imagination). (For
Help: Review Chapter 1 to be refreshed on sociological imagination, and Chapter
2 to review Culture)
Apply all three
guidelines. The key element that I
am looking for in these papers is that you use CRITICAL THINKING and that you
provide an in depth analysis of the story at hand.