Content Analysis Rubric

Sociology of Sport


1a) Read the two articles that have been included in this email.

1b) Read the introduction and chapters 1 and 2 (Pages 3-43) of Content Analysis at:,M1



2) Write a 1 page summary of what you think a content analysis means (DUE 3/4)


3) Examine fan message boards on Yahoo and


4) Email me with a specific topic for content analysis of fan message boards (DUE 3/11)


5) Print data in the form of message board chats (DUE 4/8)


6) Write a 7-10 page report on the content analysis of the data (DUE (4/25)


Content analysis should focus on an examination of one specific research question.  Your goal is to examine how fans on message boards responded to this question.  Your goals should be to:


1) Look at how they answer your question (Are there multiple opinions?  Does one opinion appear to have the most support?  How do they argue about your topic?  What are the main points?)

2) Look for how they responded to one another

3) Look at which responses were met favorably, and which were met unfavorably (EX: That posting was great/ That posting was stupid)

4) Look for hierarchies (Do some posters get more respect than others?)

5) Look for patterns within their responses


Use these questions to compose a report on how your question was answered by fans in the form of message boards.