SOCL 305 - Sociology of Marriage and Families

Summer 2010






#) An opinion poll found that men first notice a woman's (women first notice men’s…)


#) The first and most important dating filter is __________.


#) Dating tradition requires that men………….


#) The three components involved in Sternberg's triangular theory of love


#) Crosby's three types of intimate relationships


#) Types of break-ups:

A) negotiated farewell

B) state of the relationship talk

C) pseudo-deescalation

D) fait accompli

E) attribution conflict

F) withdrawal

G) fading away


#) Types of singles: Ambivalent; wishfuls;  resigned; resolved


#) Weeding out ineligibles or incompatibles until only one person remains, is called:


#) Know the 3 main factors in breaking up:


#) Know the stages of love: Rapport; self-revelation; mutual dependence; personality need fullfillment


#) Explanations of gender role acquisition:

A) identification theory

B) social learning theory

C) cognitive development theory

D) enculturated lenses theory


#) Differences and similarities b/t soap operas and professional wrestling




#) Social theories:

A) conflict

B) symbolic interaction

C) structural functional

D) social exchange

E) feminism


#) Victorian sexual morality


#) DEF: Patriarchy


#) Different historical eras of American families:

A) Agricultural Patriarchy

B) Jacksonian Era

C) Progressive Era

D) Modern Era

E) Post-modern era


#)  Factors contributing to the later marriage rates of the current  generation of Americans


#) Over the past few decades, similar changes with  respect to family life in nearly all Western nations


#) While the public family is about __________, the private family is about __________.


#) A state in which family members are unsure of who is and who is not in the family is referred   


#) Children in colonial America were considered to be


#) The breadwinner-homemaker family


#) Gender theorists and economic inequalities between men and women


#) Social and cultural characteristic that distinguishes men from women in our society 


#) The play of boys and girls


#)  “Gendered” elements of society


#) When do most children develop a gender identity?


#) Socialization research on boys and girls


#) Parsons and Bale’s study of the 1950s middle-class, two-parent family






The marriage contract: Who is it between, what are some of it’s rules, rights, etc…


Different forms of marriage: monogamy, polygamy, etc


Which marital form is most rare in the world?


In twenty states in the United States today, people can legally marry__________


Loving v. VA:  Which laws did this Supreme Court ruling strike down


Know these terms: (Some are only in class notes)

Heterogamy, exogamy, homogeny, homogamy, endogamy, heterogeny


The U-Shape model of marital satisfaction says that:


Sexual scripts


Different Marital Scripts


The most likely points of conflict among intimate partners


Factors in why couples fight over money


Which Amendment gave women the right to vote?



The first sexual revolution occurred in which decade



The second sexual revolution began in the __________


When the birth control pill was originally approved in the United States, it was available to


Gender differences in communication


The benefit/problems of peer marriage?






Different measures of marital quality

A) marital stability

B) marital success

C) marital adjustment

D) marital happiness


Women and men's communication styles differ in


Factors that may contribute to arguments


Debriefing conversations


Types of destructive communication?

- an overgeneralization.

- a double message.

- fault-finding.

- mind-reading.

- gunny sacking.


Conversations in mixed sex groups


Girls represent _____ % of sex abuse victims. 


Sibling Violence


Women are _____ times more likely to be assaulted by a family member than by an outsider.


4 Major Patterns of Partner Violence

A) Common Couple Violence

B) Intimate Terrorism

C) Violence Resistance

D)Mutual Violent Control

How does gender influence participation and victimization with regards to family violence?






Prior to the American Revolution, religious authorities in the United States preached that sexual intercourse was appropriate….


Beginning in the late 1800s through 1973 homosexuality was thought to be


Parents’ influence on their children’s spousal choice


recent trends with respect to first marriages


“Hooking up”




Child abuse is least likely to occur in what type of family?


Members of which of the following groups are most likely to commit acts of domestic violence?


Which has the highest incidence of physical assault? (dating, married, or cohabiting)







The three types of parenting styles


The best parents…


Difference between working-class and middle-class parents


The changing nature of adoption


Recent research on fathering


Joint legal custody between divorcing parents


Women's employment in the United States has had the effect, overall, of:


Which factor was the most likely explanation of the great rise in divorce for the 1960s and 1970s?


Children who live in a single-parent family




Who accounts for much of the higher divorce rate among the remarried?


Statistics on men and women remarrying


The stepparent who is in a stable stepfamily


For children living in step-family households, the effect best established in research


marriage is held together mainly by


Remarriage can have unexpected benefits including: 


factors is related to women’s increased participation in the labor force



The percentage of American who work very long weeks (50 hours or more) is higher than in…


One-fourth of all dual-earner married couples arrange for childcare by






general fertility rate.

total fertility rate.


The average number of births per American woman has decreased significantly during the past 200 years because:


Fertility rates are much lower today in American society than they were in our earlier history because:


Women in which social class generally have the most children?


Who presents the most persistent problem for childless couples?

A) friends

B) co-workers

C) parents

D) friends and parents


Supreme Court rulings in the ________ established the right of all Americans to purchase and use the available birth control methods.


The most common method of abortion during the first trimester is:


Which of the following is the reason most frequently given by women for having an abortion?




When a woman fails to become pregnant after __________ months of unprotected intercourse, she is said to be infertile.


 Successful in vitro fertilization typically costs about:


a social pressures to have children


The steepest and most persistent increase in divorce in the United States occurred from about


After 5 years __________ % of all first marriages have ended.


an explanation for the high divorce rate among couples who marry young


the stages of divorce




the effects of divorce on children,


A common pattern in split custody


When former spouses are studied after their divorces, who is usually doing better?


Studies based on national samples of adults consistently show that __________, on the whole, report the lowest levels of personal happiness.


Why are divorcing and divorced people frequently dropped by friends, especially male friends?


types of binuclear families



Why is it easier for males to begin dating after divorce


reconstituted families


blended families


binuclear families




Divorced people


The feminization of poverty


Artificial insemination

In Vitro fertilization

Surrogate mothers