SOCL 305 - Sociology of

Marriage and Families

Summer 2010




The marriage contract: Who is it between, what are some of it’s rules, rights, etc…


Different forms of marriage: monogamy, polygamy, etc


Which marital form is most rare in the world?


In twenty states in the United States today, people can legally marry__________


Loving v. VA:  Which laws did this Supreme Court ruling strike down


How does cohabitation before marriage influence marital quality and stability?


Know these terms: (Some are only in class notes)

Heterogamy, exogamy, homogeny, homogamy, endogamy, heterogeny


The U-Shape model of marital satisfaction says that:


Double standard of sexual behavior?

-What is it

- What are the rules


Why does sexual activity decline among couples


Sexual scripts


Different Marital Scripts


The most likely points of conflict among intimate partners


Factors in why couples fight over money


Which Amendment gave women the right to vote?


Markers defining the sexual revolution?


In which decade did the baby boom begin?


The first sexual revolution occurred in which decade


The second sexual revolution began in the __________


The approval of the birth control pill by the FDA came in the


When the birth control pill was originally approved in the United States, it was available to


Gender differences in communication


The benefit/problems of peer marriage?


Different measures of marital quality


A) marital stability

B) marital success

C) marital adjustment

D) marital happiness


Women and men's communication styles differ in


Factors that may contribute to arguments


Debriefing conversations


Types of destructive communication?

- an overgeneralization.

- a double message.

- fault-finding.

- mind-reading.

- gunny sacking.


Conversations in mixed sex groups


Girls represent _____ % of sex abuse victims. 


Sibling Violence


Women are _____ times more likely to be assaulted by a family member than by an outsider.


 4 Major Patterns of Partner Violence

A) Common Couple Violence

B) Intimate Terrorism

C) Violence Resistance

D)Mutual Violent Control


How does gender influence participation and victimization with regards to family violence?






CH 6


Prior to the American Revolution, religious authorities in the United States preached that sexual intercourse was appropriate….


Beginning in the late 1800s through 1973 homosexuality was thought to be


The “queer theory”


sex-as-reproduction and sex-as-pleasure


Two of the major reasons for the decline in adolescent sexual activity over the last few years


A person’s sexual orientation is a result of



CH 7


Parents’ influence on their children’s spousal choice


the end of traditional courtship patterns in the United States?


recent trends with respect to first marriages


“Hooking up”


changing the nature of marriage from companionship to individualization






CH 11


The political model of domestic violence                  


Attention by the public and government to domestic violence in the United States


Child abuse is least likely to occur in what type of family?


Female victims of violence in the United States are most likely to be injured by…


Members of which of the following groups are most likely to commit acts of domestic violence?


Which has the highest incidence of physical assault? (dating, married, or cohabiting)


an experiment conducted by the Minneapolis Police Force in the early 1980s