Criminology – Spring 2011

Test 3


CH 7


Techniques of neutralization
            denial of injury
            condemnation of the condemners
            denial of the responsibility
            appeal to higher loyalties


Subterranean values

Social control theory

Elements of a Social Bond: Attachment, Commitment, Involvement, and Belief


Life Course Perspective



            Turning Points

Robert Sampson and John Laub's study of delinquency over the life course found that the critical factors predicting delinquent behavior were…

Gottfredson and Hirschi argue that the major cause of low self-control is…


“Unravelling Juvenile Delinquency” by Glueck and Glueck

CH 8


War violent and crime rates

Where was the “legitimate defense of honor” used?
The idea that prisons are “schools of crime”

Differential association theory

            9 statements
            When/how are associations more powerful?



“The Code of the Street” by Anderson

Effect of viewing violence in the mass media

            aggressor effect/appetite effect/bystander effect/victim effect

Differential identification theory
Rational-choice theory
Social learning Theory
Containment theory

Labeling Theory

            primary deviance/deviation

            secondary deviance/deviation

Revisionism in Criminology


Moral Entrepreneurs


Becker’s Outsiders


Master status


Moral Panics


Aggressiveness toward females is increased by exposure to pornography that…

Status-degradation ceremonies in juvenile courts are probably most likely to dissuade juveniles from engaging in more delinquency if the juveniles are…

CH 9


Routine activities theory

            Elements of

Guardianship of property

            Reduced or increased (why?)

Factors in choosing targets

Victim proneness

CH 10


Compare/contrast criminal careers and legitimate careers

Dimensions of a criminal career


Temporal bound conception of criminal careers (4 issues)


Criminologists reasons for and against criminal career research

Developmental criminology

The “zigzag path”

Typologies of criminals

Sampson and Laub's research on crime over the life course
Wolfgang, Figlio, and Sellin's Cohort I study found….
            Compare findings of Cohorts I and II

Neal Shover’s model of exiting a criminal career

            Interpersonal and orientational change

            Modified calculus

Theories on exiting crime
            differential association

            Anomie/ differential opportunity

            the labeling perspective
            social control theory

Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi's low self-control theory of crime



Criminology Theories: Study list for tests


CH 7: Social Control

·         Techniques of Neutralization (Sykes and Matza)

·         Social Control Theory (Hirschi)

·         Age Graded Informal Social Control Theory (Sampson and Laub)



CH 10: Criminal Careers

·         Developmental Life Course Criminology

·         General Theory of Crime (Gottfredson and Hirschi)



CH 8: Learning Theories

·         Differential Association (Sutherland)

·         Differential Identification

·         Social Learning Theory (Akers and Burgess)

·         Social Structural Social Learning Theory (Akers)

·         Labeling Theory

·         Containment Theory

·         Rational Choice



CH 9: Opportunities

·         Routine Activities Theory

·         Victim Precipitation