Three Dives

1.    A diver goes to 100 feet for 13 minutes.  She stays on the surface for 2 hours and 20 minutes.  Then she does a dive to 70 feet for 18 minutes.  Then she stays out for 3 hours.  How long can she dive to 50 feet now?

2.    A diver dives on a shipwreck at 84 feet for 18 minutes.  She takes a lunch break for an hour and 30 minutes.  Then she does a dive to 52 feet for 15 minutes.  After a 2 hour surface interval, how long can she dive to 44 feet?

3.      A diver goes to 75 feet for 31 minutes.  After a surface interval of 1:45 minutes, she does another dive to 52 feet for 17 minutes.  She takes a long 2 hour lunch and then dives to 44 feet for 26 minutes.  What is her pressure group?

4.    After a dive to 52 feet for 42 minutes, a diver rests on the surface for two hours and 10 minutes.  Then she does another dive to 48 feet for 27 minutes.  After a nap and dinner, she decides to do a night dive.  It has been 4 hours since her last dive.  The night dive is to 42 feet for 41 minutes.  What is her pressure group?