CSCI 311


Fall 2018

Instructor : Dr. Will Thacker

Office : 323 Thurmond

Hours : 2:00-3:15 MTWR 9:30-11 WF

Phone : 323-2691

E-mail :

Text : Computer Organization and Design, Online with zybooks.  Many helpful learning tools and not costly. 

  1. Sign in or create an account at
  2. Enter zyBook code WINTHROPCSCI311ThackerFall2018
  3. Subscribe
  4. A subscription is $72 and will last until Dec 27, 2018.

Prerequisites: C or better in CSCI 211

Topics :              

Goals: Students will be able to:


3 Tests 35%
Many Homeworks/participation activities/challenge activities 20%
5 Projects 20%
  Final Exam 25%

The 3 tests will be given on:
Wed. Sept. 12
Wed. Oct. 17
Mon. Nov. 19

The final exam will be comprehensive on
Mon, Dec. 10 at 3:00 pm

94%-100% = A
90%-93% = A-
87%-89% = B+
84%-86% = B
80%-83% = B-
77%-79% = C+
74%-76% = C
70%-73% = C -
67%-69% = D+
64%-66% = D
60%-63% = D-
59% or less = F


The projects will be working with integrated circuit design to create hardware systems.



Attendance will not be taken.   You are expected to attend each and every class.  There will be no formal relationship between grade and attendance.  However, of course, there is the informal relationship that always exists.  You are responsible for the material covered in the classes you miss.