Programming Project 0

Review/Refresher of Linked Lists

Create a linked list class with the following methods:

This should be a templated class (let's call the template variable E).  So we will have:

Attack this in pieces.  First implement the constructor, push_front, and print_all.  Get them working BEFORE you even THINK about the implementation of the other methods.

I will give you a main for testing.  In the meantime, you can test with your own main

Turning in: (this will be the policy for ALL programming assignments) You will need to turn in a print out at the beginning of class when the program is due.  You ALSO need to email the program to me as an attachment before class on the day it it due.  For turning in, your file should be YourUserID_p0.c++.  For example, I would turn in thackerw_p0.c++

Late Penalty: There will be a 20% penalty for every day late.  (weekends count EACH day; I will use the timestamp of the email).