A good answer might be:

It clears (makes zero) the sign bit, bit 31. All the other bits stay the same.

Data Movement

Here are three instructions that move data between registers inside the processor:

mov.s fd, fscopy 32 bits from float register $fs to float register $fd
mtc1 rs, fdmove to coprocessor 1
copy 32 bits from general register $rs to float register $fd. No data conversion is done. Note: the source register is $rs and the destination register is $fd, the reverse of the usual order.
mfc1 rd, fsmove from coprocessor 1
copy 32 bits from float register $fs to general register $rd. No data conversion is done.

These instructions merely copy bit patterns between registers. The pattern is not altered. With the mfc1 instruction, the contents of a floating point register is copied "as is" to a general purpose register. So a complicated calculation with integers can use float registers for intermediate results. And a complicated calculation with floats can use general purpose resisters the same way.


(Thought Question: ) The neg.s fd,fs instruction places the negation of the number in $fs into $fd. How does it do this?