A good answer might be:


Dynamic Jump Table

With PCSPIM your program is put into one big source file. Entry points are labeled, and subroutines can be called with jal. With large programming projects it often happens that the only way to call a subroutine is through a jump table. This might happen when several object modules are linked together, for example (see Chapter One.) Another place where this happens is with dynamically loaded libraries. Here, a subroutine is copied into memory only when it is needed by another program. The entry point is put into a jump table of available subroutines.

Here is our example program modified to give the feel of this:

          .globl   main
          subu     $sp,$sp,4          # push return address
          sw       $ra,($sp)
          # Assume that some initial processing determines
          # what subroutines are needed. Then the loader
          # gets those subroutines and fills in the jump table.
          lw       $t0,jtable         # get first address
          jalr     $t0                # pass control
          lw       $t0,jtable+4       # get second address
          jalr     $t0                # pass control
          lw       $ra,($sp)          # pop return address
          addu     $sp,$sp,4
          jr       $ra

          .word sub1                  # Jump Table (pretend that the
          .word sub2                  # addresses are filled in at run-time).
          .globl   sub1
sub1:     li       $v0,4
          la       $a0,messH
          jr       $ra
messH:    .asciiz  "Hello "

          .globl   sub2
sub2:     li       $v0,4
          la       $a0,messW
          jr       $ra
messW:    .asciiz  "World\n"

Pretend that at first only main and its jump table are loaded into memory, and that the jump table is full of zeros. Then, later on, the two subroutines are loaded and their addresses are put into the jump table.

Now the only way to call the subroutines is through the jump table. The instruction:

          lw       $t0,jtable         # get first address

... loads the first address of the jump table into $t0. Then the jalr instruction calls it.

After returning from the first subroutine, the instruction:

          lw       $t0,jtable+4         # get second address

... loads the second address of the jump table into $t0. The jtable+4 means to use the address that is four bytes away from the symbolic address jtable.


Could the addresses in the jump table change as the program executes?