A good answer might be:

jal address

The jalr Instruction

The jal instruction is used when the address of the subroutine is known at assembly time. For example, here is how main would usually call the first subroutine: jal sub1

But what if you want to call the first subroutine in a jump table? You can't say jal sub1add because that tries to jump to the jump table, not to the first address in it. Here is the instruction to use:

jalr r     # $ra <― PC+4  $ra <― address 8 bytes away from the jal 
           # PC  <― $r   load the PC with the subroutine entry point in $r

This works just like the jal instruction except the address of the subroutine is now in a regsiter.


Here is a section of main. Fill in the blanks so that control is passed to sub1:

          . . . .
          lw    $t0,_______             # get first address in Jump Table
          jalr  _____                   # pass control to sub1
          . . . .

sub1add:  .word sub1                    # Jump Table
sub2add:  .word sub2