A good answer might be:


Printing Each Element

The list is a sentinel controlled loop. It keeps going until it hits the special value that signals the end. Here is the code with some new lines that print the data of each element:

          la     $s0,elmnt01    # get a pointer to the first element
loop:     beqz   $s0,done       # while the pointer is not null
          lw     $a0,0($s0)     #   get the data of this element

                                #   do something with the element
          li     $v0,1          #   print it
          syscall               #
          la     $a0,sep        #   print separator
          li     $v0,4          #
          syscall               #
          lw     $s0,4($s0)     #   get the pointer to the next element
          b      loop
done:     . . . 

elmnt01:  .word  1
          .word  elmnt02

elmnt02:  .word  2
          .word elmnt03 

elmnt03:  .word  3
          .word elmnt04 

elmnt04:  .word  5
          .word  elmnt05
elmnt05:  .word  7
          .word  0

sep:      .asciiz "  "

The code that traverses the list is in black; the code that processes the data at each element is in blue.


What needs to be done after the loop is done?