A good answer might be:

        # write out the second struct    
        la       $a0,agest         # print "age:"
        li       $v0,4
        lw       $a0,0($s2)        # print age
        li       $v0,1

        li       $v0,10            # return to OS

pay:    .word   24000              # rate of pay, in static memory
agest:  .asciiz "age:   "

Print Struct Subroutine

Data that is contained in a struct is treated as a whole. In OO terms, it is treated like an object. It would be nice to have a subroutine that takes one of our structs as a parameter and prints it out. Let us write a subroutine that uses the Stack-based Calling Convention of Chapter 27. (It might not hurt you to review that chapter.)

Here is a small subroutine. For now, it only prints out the age field of the argument struct. It uses register $s0 so it must first push the value in that register on the stack. It does not call any other subroutine so it does not need to push $ra. (The trap handler calls are not normal subroutine calls.)

The argument is the address of the struct. A large struct can be passed as an argument to a subroutine by giving the subroutine the address of the struct. The various fields of the struct are accessed using displacements off the address.

# Subroutine PStruct: print a struct
# Registers on entry: $a0 --- address of the struct
#                     $ra --- return address
# Registers:          $s0 --- address of the struct
        sub     $sp,$sp,4         # push $s0
        sw      $s0,($sp)         # onto the stack
        move    $s0,$a0           # safe copy of struct address
        la      $a0,agest         # print "age:"
        li      $v0,4
        lw      $a0,0($s0)        # print age
        li      $v0,1

        add     $sp,$sp,4         # restore $s0 of caller 
        lw      $s0,($sp)
        jr      $ra               # return to caller        

agest:  .asciiz "age:   "

For example, the age field of our struct is a displacement of zero off of the struct's base address. So this code gets the integer age using the statement lw $a0,0($s0).


Why is register $s0 used in this routine?