A good answer might be:

        c.eq.s  $f0,$f2          # is A = B?
        bc1t    printEQ          # yes -- print equal

        c.lt.s  $f2,$f0          # is B < A?
        bc1t    printB           # yes -- print B

                                 # otherwise A < B

The Complete Program

Here is the complete program. There is nothing new in the remainder of the code.

## min.asm --- determine the min of two floats
        .globl main

main:   # get the values into registers
        l.s     $f0,A
        l.s     $f2,B
        c.lt.s  $f0,$f2          # is A < B?
        bc1t    printA           # yes -- print A
        c.lt.s  $f2,$f0          # is B < A?
        bc1t    printB           # yes -- print B

        la      $a0,EQmsg        # otherwise
        li      $v0,4            # they are equal
        mov.s   $f12,$f0         # print one of them
        b       prtnum
printA: la      $a0,Amsg         # message for A
        li      $v0,4
        mov.s   $f12,$f0         # print A
        b       prtnum
printB: la      $a0,Bmsg         # message for A
        li      $v0,4
        mov.s   $f12,$f2         # print A
prtnum: li      $v0,2            # print single precision
                                 # value in $f12
        la      $a0,newl
        li      $v0,4            # print new line
        jr      $ra              # return to OS


A:      .float  4.830
B:      .float  1.012
Amsg:   .asciiz "A is smallest: "
Bmsg:   .asciiz "B is smallest: "
EQmsg:  .asciiz "They are equal: "
newl:   .asciiz "\n"


Do you think that the condition bit (of the FPU) holds its value until it is altered by another comparision instruction?