Say that x is very close to n0.5. What do you think will be the value of n/(x*x)?

A good answer might be:

It should be very close to 1.0

Ending Test

But, due to the lack of precision with single precision, the best we can hope for is to calculate an x such that:

0.999999  <  n/x*x  <  1.00001

The left and the right bound in the above have 6 decimal digits of precision. If 1.00000 is subtracted from this value the result is:

-0.000001  <  n/x*x - 1  <  0.00001

To be safe, terminate the loop when:

| n/x*x - 1 |  <  0.00001

... where |x| means the absolute value of x.


Is there a floating point absolute value instruction?