A good answer might be:

Six or seven. To be safe, count on no better than six digits of accuracy. This program uses five place accuracy.

Apply the Formula

The value in f10 is used to test if the five digits of accuracy have been reached. We will do this in a moment. Here is the part of the program that uses the formula:

## x' = (1/2)(x + n/x)

## $f0  ---  n
## $f1  ---  1.0
## $f2  ---  2.0
## $f3  ---  x  : current approx.
## $f4  ---  x' : next approx.
## $f8  ---  temp
## $f10 ---  small value

        ___.s   $f4,$f0             #  x' = n
        ___.s   $f4,$f4,$f3         #  x' = n/x
        ___.s   $f4,$f3,$f4         #  x' = x + n/x
        ___.s   $f3,$f4,$f2         #  x = (1/2)(x + n/x)


But part of each menemonic is missing! Fill them in. You may wish to look at floating point operations.