A good answer might be:

No. The print integer method works only with 32-bit two's complement representation.

Floating Point Trap Handler Services

Here is the complete list of SPIM trap handler services. Each I/O method uses a specific format for data. The methods for double use an even-odd pair of registers.

ServiceCode in $v0ArgumentsReturned Value
print integer1 $a0 == integer  
print float 2 $f12 == float  
print double 3 ($f12, $f13) == double  
print string 4 $a0 == address of string  
read integer5   $v0 <-- integer
read float 6   $f0 <-- float
read double 7   ($f0, $f1) <-- double
read string 8 $a0 == buffer address
$a1 == buffer length
allocate memory 9 $a0 == number of bytes$v0 <-- address
exit 10    


(Review: ) Into what register do you put the service code before executing a syscall