A good answer might be:

No. A biased exponent of all zeros requires that the manissa be all zeros.

Example Program: Polynomial Evaluation

The example program computes the value of ax2 + bx + c. It starts by asking the user for x:

        .globl main

main:   # read input
        la      $a0,prompt          # prompt user for x
        li      $v0,4               # print string
        li      $v0,6               # read single
        syscall                     # $f0 <-- x
        # evaluate the quadratic
        . . . . .
        . . . . .
prompt: .asciiz "Enter x: "

After the syscall the floating point value from the user is in $f0. The next section of the program does the calculation.


Should a, b, and c be integer constants or floating point constants?