A good answer might be:



Writing the cross (×) and the superscript exponent is tedious, and not suitable for programs. A slighltly altered notation is used in computer programs and in input and output text:

 1.38502 × 10+03 =  1.38502e+03
 1.38502 × 10-03 =  1.38502e-03
-1.38502 × 10+03 = -1.38502e+03
-1.38502 × 10-03 = -1.38502e-03

Caution: For SPIM, only a small "e" is allowed in floating point constants. (Some software systems, such as Java, allow both upper and lower case e's).


How many digits are in each of the above expressions? How many digits are in the mantissa? How many in the exponent?