A good answer might be:

Over and over.

Hidden Infinite Loop

If we were using base 10 arithmetic, 0.1 would be added to x 100 times until x reached exactly 10.0. But the program uses base two floating point which does not represent 0.1 exactly. The variable x might not hit 10.0 exactly and the program would then loop indefinitely.

float x;

for ( x = 0.0; x != 10.0; x += 0.1 )
  System.out.println("Crimsom and Clover");

It is not just binary fixed point representation that cannot represent one tenth precisely. The usual floating point of programming languages has the same problem.

Smart compilers look out for this problem, and may fix it, so this loop might actually work as intended. But is not wise to use it.


Fix the code.