a = a + 1;

A good answer might be:

lw      $t0,12($fp)    # get a
addiu   $t0,$t0,1      # a + 1
sw      $t0,12($fp)    # a = 

Our Frame-based Linkage Convention

A real-world linkage convention allows many types of objects to go into a stack frame. Our rules are much simpler:

Calling a Subroutine (done by the caller):

  1. Push any registers $t0-$t9 that contain values that must be saved. Push the registers in numerical order.
  2. Put argument values into $a0-$a3.
  3. Call the subroutine using jal.

Subroutine Prolog (done by the subroutine):

  1. Push $ra (always).
  2. Push the caller's frame pointer $fp.
  3. Push any of the registers $s0-$s7 that the subroutine might alter.
  4. Initialize the frame pointer: $fp = $sp - space_for_variables. The "space for variables" is four times the number of local variables. (Remember that subtracting from $sp grows the stack).
  5. Initialize the stack pointer: $sp = $fp.

Subroutine Body:

  1. At this point the stack looks like the picture at right.
  2. The subroutine may alter any "T" or "A" register, or any "S" register that it saved in the prolog.
  3. The subroutine refers to local variables as disp($fp)
  4. .
  5. The subroutine may push and pop values on the stack using $sp.
  6. If the subroutine calls another subroutine, then it does so by following these rules.

Subroutine Epilog (done at the end of the subroutine):

  1. Put return values in $v0-$v1
  2. $sp = $fp + space_for_variables.
  3. Pop any registers $s0-$s7 that were previously saved in the frame.
  4. Pop the caller's frame pointer into $fp.
  5. Pop $ra (always).
  6. Return to the caller using jr $ra.

Return from a Subroutine (done by the caller):

  1. Pop any registers $t0-$t9 that the caller previously pushed.


When the caller gets control back, are its frame pointer and stack pointer the same as when it called the subroutine?