A good answer might be:

See Below

Subroutine Epilog

The epilog of a subroutine is the part that prepares the values that are returned to the caller and restores the registers and stack to where they were when the caller made the call.

#  int mysub( int arg )
#  {
#    int b,c;                     // b: 0($fp)
#                                 // c: 4($fp)
#    b = arg*2;
#    c = b + 7;
#    return c;  
#  }
         .globl  mysub
                                  # prolog        
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   1. Push return address
         sw      $ra,($sp)
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   2. Push caller's frame pointer
         sw      $ra,($sp)

         sub     $sp,$sp,4        #   3. Push register $s1
         sw      $s1,($sp)

         addiu   $fp,$sp,8        #   4. $fp = $sp + space_for_variables

         move    $sp,$fp          #   5. $sp = $fp
                                  # body of subroutine     
         mul     $s1,$a0,2        #     arg*2
         sw      $s1,0($fp)       # b = "   "
         lw      $t0,0($fp)       # get b
         add     $t0,$t0,7        #      b+7
         sw      $t0,4($fp)       # c = "  "
                                  # epilog
         lw      $v0,___(___)     #   1. Put return value in $v0
         add     $sp,$fp,____     #   2. $sp = $fp +space_for_variables
         lw      $s1,(____)       #   3. Pop register $s1
         add     ___,___,___      #   
         lw      $fp,(____)       #   4. Pop $fp
         add     ___,___,___      #   
         lw      $ra,(____)       #   5. Pop $ra
         add     ___,___,___      #   
         jr      $ra              #   6. return to caller 


Those blanks need filling.