A good answer might be:

Yes. Just be sure to synchronize the pushes and pops so the the correct values go into the correct registers.

Pushing and Popping Registers

Here is a rule: if a subroutine is expected to alter any of the "S" registers, it must first push their values onto the stack. Just before returning to the caller it must pop these values from the stack back into the registers they came from.

Here is an example program fragment. Subroutine subB calls subC which uses two "S" registers.

         sub    $sp,$sp,4    # push $ra
         sw     $ra,($sp)

         . . . .

         jal    subD         # call subD

         . . . .
         lw     $ra,($sp)    # pop return address
         add    $sp,$sp,4
         jr     $ra          # return to caller

# subC expects to use $s0 and $s1  
# subC does not call another subroutine
         sub    $sp,$sp,4    # push $s0
         sw     $s0,($sp)
         sub    $sp,$sp,4    # push $s1
         sw     $s1,($sp)

         . . . .             # statements using $s0 and $s1

         lw     $___,($sp)   # pop _____
         add    $sp,$sp,4
         lw     $___,($sp)   # pop _____
         add    $sp,$sp,4

         jr     $ra          # return to caller


Fill in the blanks so that subB sees its "S" registers when it regains control.