A good answer might be:

Yes, because main calls a subroutine. The completed code for main is below.

         .globl  main
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        # push the return address
         sw      $ra,($sp)
         la      $a0,mainPr       # prompt the user
         li      $v0,4            # service 4

         jal     doLines          # process lines of input
         lw      $ra,($sp)        # pop return address
         add     $sp,$sp,4
         jr      $ra              # return to OS 

mainPr:  .ascii  "Type each line of text followed by ENTER.\n"
         .asciiz "Type Q at the start of a line to finish.\n"

Subroutine doLines

The main routine calls doLines. At right is the design for that routine. Below is its (incomplete) code.

# doLines -- read in and process each line of user input
# on entry:
#    $a0 -- address of the prompt text
#    $ra -- return address
# on exit:
#    no return values

         .globl  doLines
         sub     $sp,$sp,4        # push the return address
         sw      $ra,($sp)
loop:                             # get a line
         la      $a0,________     # argument: address of buffer
         li      $a1,____         # argument: length of buffer
         jal     _______          # get line from user
         la      $a0,line         # if "Q"
         jal     testEnd          # return to caller
         beqz    $v0,endloop          

                                  # convert to capitals
         la      $a0,________     # argument: address of buffer
         la      $a1,____         # argument: length of buffer
         jal     _______          # convert
         la      $a0,outline      # print out the result
         li      $v0,4
         b       loop             # continue with next line
         lw      $ra,($sp)        # pop return address
         add     $sp,$sp,4         
         jr      $ra              # return to caller 

outline: .ascii  ":"              # pad so output lines 
                                  # line up with input
line:    .space  132              # input buffer



No time like the present to fill in those blanks.