A good answer might be:

         .globl  main

         jal     pread            # read first integer
         nop                      #  
         move    $s0,$v0          # save it in $s0
         jal     pread            # read second integer
         nop                      # 
         move    $s1,$v0          # save it in $s1
         jal     pread            # read third integer
         nop                      #  
         move    $s2,$v0          # save it in $s2
         addu    $s0,$s0,$s1      # compute the sum
         addu    $a0,$s0,$s2
         li      $v0,1            # print the sum
         li      $v0,10           # exit

Global Symbols

Recall that modules (for us, subroutines) should not know about each other's symbolic addresses. It would violate the idea of modularity for main to do something to pread's prompt, for example.

But some symbolic addresses need to be used between modules. For example, pread is a symbolic address, and main must know about it and use it in the jal instruction.

A symbol that a subroutine makes visible to other subroutines is a global symbol. Global symbols often label entry points. Symbols that are not global are called local symbols. In MIPS assembly and in SPIM a symbol is made global by placing it in a list of symbols following the .globl directive:

         .globl  main


What global symbols are in the subroutine pread?