A good answer might be:

No assumptions are necessary. It tests if two bit patterns are identical.

Natural If-Else Structure

When you use only the basic branching instructions sometimes you have to implement an if-else structure with the false branch immediately following the conditional branch. This is not how high level programming languages do it and this sometimes is awkward. Here is a program fragment that is to add the value in register $t0 to register $t2 (if $t0 is even) and to $t1 (if $t0 is odd):

        lw    $t0,val          # $t0 has the value
        andi  $t8,$t0,1        # one's place is zero or one
        ____  $t8,odd          # if even
        addu  $t2,$t0,$t0      #     add to even sum
        b     endif
odd:                           # else
        addu  $t1,$t0,$t0      #     add to odd sum

The unconditional branch instruction is used at the bottom of the true branch of the if-else.


Fill in the blank by choosing the correct branch instruction (refer to the table).