A good answer might be:

When the code that the assembler generates is actually executing.

Four Levels

This is a very "Computer Science"-like idea. It takes some careful thought to see what is going on. Here is a table:

What the programmer writes What the extended assembler translates it into What the basic assembler does What happens at run time
li    $t1,2 
lb    $v0,data($t1) 
ori   $t1,$0,2 
lui   $at,4097
addu  $at,$at,$t1
lb    $v0,0($at)
(4097 is the upper half of the address of data.)

The basic assembly language is translated into machine code.


The first three machine instructions execute, placing the address of the third byte of the array into register $1. The fourth machine instruction loads the byte at that address into register $2 ($v0).



At what index do "C" and Java arrays begin?