A good answer might be:

not $s1,$t5     =     nor $s1, $t5, $0

The order of $t5 and $0 could be reversed.

Implicit Immediate Operand

Some pseudoinstructions translate into different basic instructions depending on the type of operands used with it. A pseudoinstruction used with an immediate operand translates into different basic instructions than one used with all register operands.

Sometimes a mnemonic is used for a basic instruction and also for a pseudoinstruction. For example:

or $s0,$s1,0x00ff   ==  ori $s0,$s1,0x00ff

Here, the extended assembler notices the immediate operand and translates the instruction into an ori instruction. The resulting machine code is a 32-bit or immediate. However, the following is a basic instruction:

or $s0,$s1,$t1 

This assembly instruction is not changed. The resulting machine code is a 32-bit and instruction.

The mmenomic and is similar. It might call for the basic instruction and, or the basic instruction andi, or other basic instructions depending on the operands.


Is there both a basic add instruction and an add immediate instruction?