A good answer might be:

See Below.

Calculation Section

After reading the food cost, the program can do the calculations. It is convenient to do them all at once and then to print out the results.

## rest.asm
## Total restaurant bill calculator
## Register Use:
## $s0 tip+tax 
## $s1 tip rate
## $s2 tax rate
## $s3 meal cost
## $a0 tax+tip dollars

        .globl  main

        # Get meal cost
main:       $v0,4       # print a prompt (code 4 put in $v0)
            $a0,prompt  # address of prompt put in $a0

            $v0,5       # input an integer  (code 5 put in $v0)
        syscall             # 32-bit result returned in $v0
          $s3,$v0     # save it in $s3

        # Calculations
        lw      $s1,_____        # get tip rate

        lw      $s2,_____        # get tax rate

        addu    $s3,$s1,$s2      # total rate

        _____   $s4,$s0,$s3      # 100*(tax + tip)

        _____    $s4,$s4,100     # tax + tip  

        _____  $s5,$s0,$s4       # total bill

       . . . . .

tip:    .word   15          # tip rate in percent
tax:    .word    8          # tax rate in percent

prompt: .asciiz "Enter food cost: "
head1 : .asciiz "   Tax plus tip: "
head2 : .asciiz "     Total cost: "
# end of file


Fill in the blanks to complete the calculation section.